Wonder Owls Book Review: Tiger vs. Nightmare
At Wonder Owls, we adore children's books like kids do, and when a good one comes across our laps, we like to share. These reviews are unpaid and are purely for informational purposes. As we like to do, the information is broken down for quick reads and a link is available at the bottom.
Tiger vs. Nightmare
Author and Illustrator Emily Tetri
First published in 2018 by First Second
Tag Line: Tiger is a very lucky kid: She has a monster living under her bed.
Core Learning Point: Nightmares aren’t real
Additional Learning Points: Working together; bravery; don’t give up
Review: A charming book about a scary subject, “Tiger vs. Nightmare” takes readers through a child’s troubles with nightmares and how her imaginary monster friend stays by her side. Its soft line and wash style with animated style characters is pleasing to see and well crafted.
What parents will like: Parents will like that the book helps deal with nightmares, an inevitable issue for young kids, as well as the teachable themes of working together, being brave, and not giving up.
Questions kids may ask: Kids may ask about the story progression, since some of the book is broken into panels, and may want discussion on how the nightmare goes away.
The wrapup: Ultimately this is a useful book to help young children deal with fears through a story. The beautiful soft line and wash drawing softens the topic, and kids are likely to enjoy the friendship it as well. It can be found at bookstores, libraries, and Amazon.